Uchas in a private London School of Godolphin, Kate, still a teenager, twice udostaivalas Young Writers' Prize, named W. Smith - for the first time in a small story in the second - for 3 poems.Already in school Kate uvleklas acting craft.
Actors debut Bekinseyl became television tape on the Second World War - "One Against the Wind" / One Against the Wind /, published in the U.S. screens in late 1991.

In autumn of that year, Kate admitted to the University of Oxford, selecting French and Russian literature as the main specialties.And although even then it was firmly decided to become an actress, Kate did agreed to expand their horizons, preferring a full-fledged university education school actor's skill.But at the first year she received the role in the adaptation of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", filmed Kenneth battle.During their studies at Oxford, Kate snyalas in three films: during the Easter holidays in 1993, she managed to take part in filming the historical drama Prince of Jutland (1993).During the summer the same year she received a greater role in the mystical drama "Without a shield" / Uncovered /.The third year of study at the University of Bekinseyl held in Paris, the program of familiarity with the French language and culture.
During the year, an independent life away from school and student life, Kate has revised its guidance life, preferring to end the University continued acting career. Thus, in 1994, after 3 years of schooling, Kate leave Oxford - in 1994 it received the tape satirical role in the production of military aircraft, entitled "Cold Farm" / Cold Comfort Farm /
1995 actress preferred to hold on the theater stage instead of film site - along with the theater Thelma Holts it all the England tour, put Chehovskoy participating in "Seagull".A long time, refusing to participate in the tapes of class B and simply unviable projects, Bekinseyl agreed to a role in the movie "ghost house" / Haunted /.The following year, Kate was invited to screen Jane Austen novel "Emma" / Emma /, as it snyalas in the comedy "trickery" / Shooting Fish /.
This is a breakthrough for Bekinseyl became vysokobyudzhetnaya historical drama - a joint project of Jerry Brukhaymera and Michael Bay - "Pearl Harbor" that gave a strong push to Josh Hartnetta career, played alongside Bekinseyl and Affleck major role.Despite a very cool response from film critics and a very mediocre script, the movie has collected more than 200 million dollars worldwide, and the actors, snyavshiesya in major roles megapopulyarnost acquired and multimillion army of fans. But initially the role of Evelyn was given Sharliz Theron, which, however, refused to participate in the project, preferring to capture him in the romantic drama "My Sweet November".
In 2002, screens went 2 pictures with the Bekinseyl - romantic comedy "Intuition" with D. Kyusakom main role, as well as feed "Laurel Canyon", published in a limited-rolled and secondary reviews from critics.
2003 marked a great actress for "solo" project - stylish eksh-feed "Another World" / Underworld /, telling people about the struggle of clans and reverse vampires, opened for us Kate in the new Type eshn-heroine.
At the film site of "another world" flared romance between Kate and director of the tape - Lenom Uayzmanom that led to the breakdown of the actress with her former companion, actor Michael Shinom, the father of her child - Lily, born in 1999.
In its asset shooting in another project directly linked to the lives of vampires - Van Helzinge, where she became a partner Hugh Dzhekmana ( "X-Men"), as well as a tape of Martin Skortseze - "Aviator".